Keep an eye on this page for news items of interest to you, you will also see links to other sites and events that may be of interest to members, also check out the "News Headlines"  box for the latest news and take a look at the Clubs Newsletter which is available for download on the Newsletters page.  

Please let us know if you are aware of any future events you feel would be of interest to our members.

Wessex Ways

Members may have noted a new feature in the clubs newsletter - HEADLINE VEHICLE OF THE MONTH

Why not send a photo and a brief history of your vehicle / motorcycle to the newsletter editor and let our members know what you passion is and at the same time keep the newsletter interesting, contact the editor Dennis jones at



Members are reminded that membership renewal is due on Jan. 1st 2023 - Please pay during January

The fees are £15 joint membership and £10 single membership


If you are not paying at a club night your membership form and payment for this year should be sent to :

The Membership Secretary, 5 Seabank Close, Upton, Poole, Dorset, BH16 5SF.


UPDATED 19/12/2022






























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